Front Garden Ideas - Paving and Parking Options

Over the last decade or so, the UK has been suffering from great deluges of rain, flooding huge areas of countryside, villages and towns and major flooding events are hit the news headlines frequently. Increasingly front gardens are being turned into parking areas for vehicles meaning that water which would once have percolated into the ground slowly, simply runs off and directly into gutters and drains causing issues further downstream.  With the house building booming once again, it's becoming increasingly important that we consider how surface water is dealt with to avoid flooding events. So if you are in need of more parking space and your'e considering paving over your front garden, see my ideas and advice below before you commit to the project....

Marshalls Drivesett Tegula permeable paving

Increasingly front gardens are being turned into parking areas for vehicles meaning that water which would once have percolated into the ground slowly, simply runs off and directly into gutters and drains causing issues further downstream
If you are looking to remodel your front garden to provide hard standing for vehicles be aware that large areas must now be constructed with permeable materials to allow rain water to runoff and percolate through to the ground beneath. Specifically designed paving products are available which look like regular paving blocks but have been cleverly created to deal with water runoff efficiently - see image above.  There are lots of products on the market providing permeable solutions which means that you can avoid the classic impermeable concrete options of old. Gravel is also a good option although avoid fine pea gravels as they have a tendency to scatter.

Laying two parallel lines of paving stones in line with the car wheels of a scattering of inset pavers can be sufficient for vehicular access whilst allowing the opportunity for low ground cover planting to weave amongst adding colour and interest and allowing water uptake by the plants. Channel drains work well to remove surface runoff, feeding water into sub-surface pipework or into soakaways. It's always worth speaking to an experienced landscaper for advice on laying permeable paving for front gardens as a specific grade of hardcore is required to ensure the paving blocks work as designed.


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