Grow Your Own Cut Flower Posies - Late Summer Edition

It's very satisfying to be able to pop into the garden and pick a posie of fresh, home grown cut flowers.  I like to grow some flowers for cutting from seed or tubers each year and then the rest of the posie is made up from blooms growing in my perennial borders. 

Some of my favourite cut flowers for posies in late summer:

Posie late summer

Dahlias - such amazing vibrant blooms and easy to grow. There are so many colours and forms to chose from.  I tend to prefer the hot coloured Dahlias in shades of orange and rich purple. 

Rudbeckia - The half-hardy annual version produces some incredible velvety blooms in rustic shades of red, rust, orange and yellow, perfect for a posie reflecting the late summer. Chimchiminee is a favoourite variety to grow in my garden.  See central image below.

Zinnia - these take a while to bloom in my garden and generally hit their peek in late summer. They come in a full range of colours and I generally grow a mixed packet of seed so I have a choice to pick from.​..

Cut flowers late summer

There are so many options to choose from when selecting seed and tubers. I like to buy seed from Chiltern Seeds who have an amazing range to tempt you. I hope I have inspired you to add a few cut flower varieties to your garden so you can create your own posies. Check out my other Articles on cut flowers.


Inspirational Gardens - Wynyard Hall near Durham


How I Design to Encourage Birds into the Garden