How I Design Low Maintenance Gardens

Gardening can become a chore if you have dirty paving, overgrown shrubs and a messy lawn. When I visit new clients to discuss their project we look at the best options for creating an uplifting, enviable space, to complement their lifestyles and I ask is how much time they can devote to looking after the space so that I can tailor the design to suit.

Courtyard Garden Design Loughborough

From my experience it is often the lawn which requires most care during the spring and summer as it grows abundantly and needs a trim every week or two, so is a lawn a real essential?

When it comes to planting I can design a scheme which may only need a haircut once or twice during the year to keep it looking at it's best. This can still be colourful, fragrant and wildlife friendly.

Gravel Garden Rothley

I'd look to choose well behaved evergreen shrubs to give all year round structure. Eg. Hebes, Choisya, Euonymous, Buxus, Skimmia
I select dwarf and compact forms of plants so that they don’t over grow their space and can be easily trimmed without the need for a ladder or long handled equipment. E.g Choisya ‘White Dazzler’

Selecting plant varieties which are repeat flowerers means you have a long period of colour without much effort – e.g Geranium Rozanne will flower from June – September without any deadheading or trimming.

Plants always look healthier and grow better if they are sited in an appropriate situation.  So the old adage chose 'The Right Plant for the Right Place' is key. If we are working on a sunny garden I'll sure to include plants which are suited to that site - some shade loving plants will soon look tatty in a sunny spot.

Ground covering is key too, for lower maintenance tasks. Plants which spread beneath shrubs and trees can reduce the emergence of weeds. E.g Heuchera, Tiarella, Geranium ‘Spessart’

We tend to avoid using membranes for covering areas of soil as they are bad for the environment and the ground beneath.  We love mulches though and on every one of our projects we will lay a thick mulch of a fine material to reduce weeds, feed the soil, retain moisture and provide an attractive surface layer in amongst the newly planted areas. 

On some projects we find that merely start again with the planting gives the opportunity to remove thuggish and overgrown plants and start a fresh with plants chosen to give interest throughout the year without high demands on time.  Clearing out a border allows invasive weeds to be tackled thoroughly once and for all before the new plants are added.  Well worth the work to get a new easily tamed look.  

If you are struggling with the upkeep of your garden, perhaps it is time to consider a refresh of the planting or the entire scheme. I'd be happy to chat through your project so please do get in touch. 


How I Create a Holiday Feel in a Garden